Ordering mid year requests with an educational psychologist

Ad hoc work can be requested from our private educational psychologists. These can be individual assessments ordered mid academic year. Our educational psychologists works across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties


Schools are welcome to contact Psychology4Learning to request individual pieces of work throughout the academic year.

Note that when ordering ad hoc time with a psychologist, we will need to check educational psychologist availability before accepting the order. Psychologist work on annual contracts takes priority, with ad hoc requests fitting around the other contracts.

Ad hoc requests may include working with a particular child/young person, delivering a training session, providing staff consultation etc.

Pricing for each piece of work is the same as for annual contracts (further pricing details).

  • Unexpected events – it’s not always possible to forsee when your school will to see a psychologist, hence the need to be able to request assessments mid year.

  • Flexibility – book time with the psychologist as needed

  • Budget constraints – you may not have the budget to order an annual contract, but an individual assessment when needed, may be financially possible.

Educational psychologists in buckinghamshire

Why work with an Educational Psychologist?

  • Individual pupil work – May include observation, appropriate assessments, consultation with parents and schools staff

  • Staff professional supervision – Psychologist to provide professional supervision for specific school staff e.g. SENCO, Headteacher

  • Work with a group of pupils – for example a specific class, year group, or mixed group with similar concerns

  • Review of academic research – In order to identify the most appropriate interventions for school, or to update school policies

  • Implementing interventions – supporting school staff with the consistent implementation of a targeted intervention.

  • Parent training sessions – school can arrange parent training sessions e.g. how to build literacy skills at home, managing anxiety in children and young people

  • Staff drop-in sessions – book a psychologist to visit school and arrange for individual school staff to have 45 minutes to 1 hour to speak to the psychologist directly.

  • Staff consultation – consultation with a group of school staff, usually to discuss a common theme / issue presenting itself in school.