Educational Psychology Services for Schools

Why choose Psychology4Learning?

We operate according to the British Psychological Society code of ethics and standards, ensuring that schools and parents can trust the advice / support offered by our psychologists.

Please note that our pricing is based on the focus and complexity of the assessment required. Annual contracts are quoted in ‘Units’, and work with an individual pupil may be 1 unit, 1.5 units or 2 units.

  • Flexible psychology services – The educational psychologist has a planning conversation with the SENCO before undertaking any work, and they will advise the SENCO on what work can be undertaken and the most efficient and effective use of the EP.

  • Advice – We always discuss your particular situation before advising on the most appropriate course of action, and if we don’t feel that educational psychology support is required, we will advise you accordingly.

  • Holistic review -We don’t undertake educational assessments in isolation, but use them as part of an holistic review of the child / young person.

  • Child centred – The needs of the child / young person are always central to the work of the psychologist.

“Thank you so much, your advice and assessment regarding Ryan’s needs , it was all accurate and has helped Ryan reach this far! Keep on being an awesome educational psychologist, you have so much care and just want the best support for the children placed under your care!”

Eve, parent.
young girl in green orange and yellow fancy dress standing near window
private educational psychologist

Educational psychology time to be delivered over the academic school year.

Orders for Educational Psychology time are taken during the Summer term, ready for work to begin in September. Any number of units can be purchased and will be delivered over the school year in agreement with the SENCO or head teacher. Delivery of annual contracts takes priority over mid year ad hoc work. As part of the contract the psychologist will hold a phone planning meeting with the school to discuss their requirements. For larger contracts on site meetings are also an option, but that time is charged for.

  • Reassurance – know that you will have access to a psychologist over the academic year.

  • Flexibility – choose how you want to use the psychologists time

  • Innovative – by building a relationship with a single psychologist you can identify more innovative ways of using their knowledge.

  • Any number of units – order any number of units e.g. 6 units could be delivered as 2 units per term, 39 units could be 1 unit per week.

private educational psychologist

Mid year requests for individual pieces of work.

Schools are welcome to contact Psychology4Learning to request individual pieces of work throughout the academic year. However, we will need to check educational psychologist availability before accepting the order as work on annual contracts takes priority.

Ad hoc requests may include working with a particular child/young person, delivering a training session, providing staff consultation etc.

  • Unexpected events – it’s not always possible to forsee when your school will need to see a psychologist, hence the need to be able to order individual assessments mid year.

  • Flexibility – book time with the psychologist as needed

private educational psychologist

Bespoke Training

Courses delivered at school or via video conference.

We are able to provide bespoke training delivered by an educational psychologist at your school or via Microsoft Teams. Training can be for school staff or parents. Training sessions can be 2 to 3 hours, or all day, at any time of day including twilight sessions. Sessions are tailored to the needs of the school, so can be small interactive workshops, or larger lecture type events.

Examples of recent training courses are:

Counselling skills, managing dyslexia, mental health, anxiety, dyspraxia, ADHD, ASD, SEND processes, trainee teacher training sessions.

  • On school site or via video – minimise travel time and expense

  • Flexibility – choose a date and time that works for the school

  • Wide range of topics – educational psychologists are knowledgable on a wide range of education and SEND issues, the topic will be tailored to your needs.

  • Cost effective – the price is based on psychologist time, and does not vary based on the number of attendees. Consider sharing costs with a neighbouring school

private educational psychologist

Professional Supervision

We can offer professional supervision to school staff, Headteachers & SENCO’s.

As part of normal practice Educational Psychologists undertake regular professional supervision. Good supervision has an important role in assuring quality standards of service delivery and supporting service development. It should address both the well-being and professional development of the supervisee but also attend to outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Supervision is a psychological process that enables a focus on personal and professional development and that offers a confidential and reflective space for the supervisee to consider their work and their responses to it.  Aimed at staff who often find themselves is stressful situations our psychologists can offer supervision for School headteachers, senior leaders, SENCOs and teaching staff. An invaluable tool which is often lacking in schools.

  • Confidentiality – a private space for school staff to reflect and consider their practice

  • Staff wellbeing – schools can be stressful environments, with staff having little time to reflect on situations and their responses

  • Better for the child/young person – schools can be fast paced environments, with decisions made quickly. Supervision allows staff to reflect on situations, consider alternative approaches, and improve their practice.

private educational psychologist

Phone consultation

Discuss concerns with an Educational Psychology over the phone.

Phone consultation as an independent service consists of a 45 minute phone discussion between the school and the Educational Psychologist, plus 15 minute report writing by the psychologist to ensure there is a record of the discussion. This discussion can be used to gather ideas and  suggestions before committing to a more lengthy piece of work. The record of the discussion can be used as part of the evidence regarding EHCP applications.

  • Cost effective – A discussion with an educational psychologist may be sufficient to provide suggestions, or ideas on how to proceed.

  • Timely – minimum disruption to the school day

  • Pre-work – the educational psychologist may suggest actions / interventions before undertaking a more thorough piece of work, resulting in more detailed pre and post measures, and greater information to support future work.

private educational psychologist

Educational psychologist support in implementing interventions.

An Intervention for children and young people who may be experiencing difficulties in school means a specific programme of work tailored to that need. For example, there are a wide range of literacy interventions, for children who are struggling with reading, and numeracy interventions for children having difficulties with maths.

Our psychologists are able to advise on the range of different interventions, discuss the research underpinning them, and support the school with implementation. Some interventions are appropriate for individual pupils, but others are whole school approaches.

  • Research – ensure your interventions are based a solid evidence base

  • Measurement – receive support with pre and post measures in order to measure the effectiveness of the intervention

  • Implementation – ensuring consistency of approach in order to maximise effectiveness of the intervention.