Teachers, Parents and Classroom Behaviour


Published 1 October 2003

by Andy Miller  (Author)

The behaviour of students in schools is a matter of great concern. Legislation, media coverage and ‘test cases’ are flooding into the public consciousness at an increasing pace. The relative responsibility of teachers and parents is a particularly prominent and contentious issue.

This book examines the reasons why strong statements of mutual recrimination and blame often occur in this area, before looking at policies and practices which are co-operative, preventive and proactive in nature.

But this is not solely another book of tips and techniques. In addition to describing strategies with a proven evidence base, it also demonstrates, within a coherent framework, how and why these approaches achieve their aims.

This book provides an in-depth understanding of key psychological factors for those in schools struggling in this vexed and pressing area and for that widening group of professionals charged with working in partnership to bring about demonstrable change.



Product description


‘a wide-ranging, thoughtful and informative survey of … key legislation … attributions … organizational psychology and evidence bases for home-school cooperation’ — Journal of Educational Policy Sept 2004 

‘coherent and practicable strategies that work … drawing upon real teachers, real pupils and real parents’ — Educational Review Aug 2005

‘extremely well written … challenging and thought provoking while [also] providing practical suggestions for teachers, support staff, pupils and parents’ — British Journal of Educational Psychology June 2005

‘fascinating … I will be recommending [it] to senior management and members of staff who work with pupils with behavioural problems’ — Young Minds Magazine 68/2004

‘likely to be of great value and service to teachers and educational psychologists … providing coherent and practicable strategies that work’ — Educational Review Aug 2005

‘useful and highly relevant to those working … to advance social inclusion in the face of challenging classroom behaviour’ — European Journal of Special Educational Needs Oct 2004

‘a most comprehensive and scholarly review of developments’ — Debate (British Psychological Society) Dec 05

‘the most useful, insightful and coherent account of understanding and managing behaviour in schools …… it is also superbly written’ — Educational Psychology in Practice Dec 2004

‘this elegantly crafted book [is] a valuable resource for practicing and trainee teachers and educational psychologists… an extremely timely contribution’ — The Psychologist April 2004


‘Andy Miller’s “Teachers, Parents and Classroom Behaviour” is the most useful, insightful and coherent account of understanding and managing behaviour in schools that I have read. It is also superbly written, making it a pleasure to read…if you buy only one book this year, then it should be this one’ – “Educational Psychology in Practice”. ‘This elegantly crafted book contains thought-provoking implications for all branches of applied psychology, as well as educationists and policy makers! With an increasing focus in education on evidence-based practice, this book will be a valuable resource for practicing and trainee teachers and educational psychologists! [It] offers an extremely timely contribution to current developments in education’ – “The Psychologist”.’I found the book fascinating and it has led me to think differently in a variety of situations…It has also impacted my views on the school ethos and teacher relationships. I will be recommending this book to members of the senior management team and staff who work with pupils with behavioural problems’ – “Young Minds Magazine”, 68/2004. The behaviour of students in schools is a matter of great concern.

Legislation, media coverage and ‘test cases’ are flooding into the public consciousness at an increasing pace. The relative responsibility of teachers and parents is a particularly prominent and contentious issue.This book examines the reasons why strong statements of mutual recrimination and blame often occur in this area, before looking at policies and practices which are co-operative, preventive and proactive in nature. But this is not solely another book of tips and techniques. In addition to describing strategies with a proven evidence base, it also demonstrates, within a coherent framework, how and why these approaches achieve their aims. This book provides an in-depth understanding of key psychological factors for those in schools struggling in this vexed and pressing area and for that widening group of professionals charged with working in partnership to bring about demonstrable change.

About the Author

Dr Andy Miller has worked as an educational psychologist and a primary school teacher in various locations in England. He is currently Educational Psychology Group Director and Special Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Nottingham. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and was featured in The Independent on Sunday as on of Britain’s ‘Ten Top Educational Psychologists.’

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